Short film, Animation.The Alphabet is an animated spelling video where each character represent the initial letter of a font, like in “The Alphabet” or and object/action like in “The Alphabet 2”.
How was it done?
The alphabet main animation, the morphing from character to character, is hand drawn on dedicated softwares, secondary animation and backgrounds instead are made in digital 2D.
The Alphabet 2 instead is a classic stopmotion.
Short Film, Mix-Media, Animation.
Second chapter, created after The Alphabet, is a spelling video, animated mostly in stopmotion, where each letter represent, an object, an idea or simply a word.
Where can I see them?
The Alphabet has being screened all around the world, with 2 major typography expositions one at Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía in Madrid, and the second at Gutemberg Museum and typography center in Mainz, Germany, plus they have been both recognized with a Vimeo Staff Pick.
The Alphabet: Written, Directed and Animated by: Alessandro Novelli, Music: Si tu n'étais pas là - Fréhe, Sound Design: N9ve.