Commercial, Animation.About the project:
Beautiful Coins is a story within a story. We chose, a coin from each country that joined the Euro zone in 1999. The idea was to create a visual narrative that able to link all the nations together, in a singular visual piece, driven by the coin shape. Each coin identifies and describes a different political, historical or naturalistic moment of Europe. A more detailed article about the short film, in available on the National Geographics website.
Beautiful coins mixes 2D digital aniamtion with some simple 3D, everithing has beign hand retraced and digitaly painted in dedicated softwares.
The short film beside an international press coverage, has been selected for the National Geographic Short Film Shocase.
Written, Directed and Designed by: Alessandro Novelli, Animation: Alessandro Novelli, Victor Perez, Joao Lucas, 3D: Victor Perez, Joao Lucas, Sound Design: N9ve, Music: Django Reinhardt.