Animation, Short Film, 2D, Mixed Media."During a peaceful night, a group of fugitives tries to find its way to the centre of the building, where the entire resistance is gathering. Evading the surveillance they go through the rooms of the Giants and witness their macabre routines."
About the film:
De Imperio is the last chapter of a trilogy on human conditions entitled “Deconstruction”. After “The Guardian” and “Contact” , this last chapter explores the dynamics and relationships among Powers and society through a metaphoric surreal Universe. Created with a blend of traditional and digital 2D, 3D and acrylic painting, the 13 minutes short is now in distribution.
How was it done?
De Imperio is a blend of different techniques. Mostly animated in traditional 2D, will see some scenes implemented with 3D elements and movements.
The hand-animated characters will be painted frame by frame, while an entire scene of the film, about 45 seconds will be animated on paper and painted with acrylic colours.
Where can I see it?
The short, produced by BAP Animation Studios (PT) and Co-produced by Studio Kimchi (ES) premiered at the 76 Locarno Film Festival, Pardi di Domani Official short competition in August 2023.
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Written & Directed by: Alessandro Novelli, Produced by: BAP Studio, Co-Produced by: Studio Kimchi, Supported by: ICA.
Music by: Simon Smith Sound Design: Jonathan Darch & Simon Smith Animation, In-between & Painting by: Leonor Pacheco, Ines Teixeira, Marta Reis de Andrade, Laura Gonçalves, Alessandro Novelli, Carolina Bonzinho, Maria Francisca Moura, Diana Peixoto, Nurian Brandao, Sofia Bento, Beatriz Rainha. 3D Modeling and Animation by: Studio Kimchi, Ignazio Acerenza, Brian Martinez, 3D Supervised by: Bruno Simões, Additional 3D: Alessandro Novelli, Acrylic Painting DOP: Ivo Cordeiro, Compositing: Alessandro Novelli, Voices by: Jonathan Darch, Luka Peros, Sasha Smith, Leo Smith, Simon Smith, Xavi Lozano, Flute by: Xavi Lozano, Cello by: Sasha Agranov, Viola & Violin by: Aleix Puig, Atmos Re-recording Mixer: Dani Zacarías, Color Correction by: Emilio Sacco at Moonlight Barcelona, Produced by: Vasco Sá, David Doutel, Alexandra Ramires, Coproduced by: Carlota Pou, Bruno Simões, With the Support of: Republica Portuguesa, ICA, With the Partecipation of: Bando a Parte, Newgold, BCNSound, Olho De Vidro, Transperfect Barcelona, Dolby Atmos.