Commercial, Animation. 2D, Motion graphics.TLF: Retail, has been commissioned by The:Future:Laboratory agency form London, a seamless journey among the different evolutions of retail services, from “industrial mass production” to “on-line shopping”, and the need, of many shopkeepers, to move forward, towards a reformed retail system.

How was it made?
TLF: Retail is a blend of traditional and digital animation, developed with different softwares and then painted and lighted in Photoshop and Krita frame by frame.
Some elements are builded in 3D and traced while other simulate a fake 3D in order to push the distorions of the environment.

Where can I see more?
The project has been created for The:Future:Laboratory agency, UK, like part of their new retail strategy services. You can check their entire services page on their website.

Production: Iskandar De La Tour Direction: Alessandro Novelli, Animation: Marina Rossi, Alessandro Novelli, Victor Perez, Joao C. Da Silva, Illustration and Design: Alessandro Novelli, Modeling: Victor Perez, Painting & tracing: Marina Rossi, Alessandro Novelli. For The Future Laboaratory: Creative Direction: Chris Sanderson, Art-direction: Britt Berden, Script: Martin Raymond, Agency: The Future Laboaratory. Music & sound design: Simon Smith, Voice Over: Sophie Sanderson.